You'll Love The Way We Ink

5 Reasons Shirt Shack is the Best Shirt Shop in Hastings
From the moment you walk through the door at The Shirt Shop in Hastings, you are instantly transported to a magical place of simplicity, laid back fun, and serious detail-oriented business. At the Shirt Shack, we have been printing up custom shirts for years. We’ve helped hundreds of Hasting residents bring their design to fashion — we love what we do and it shows! In today’s post, we will highlight just a few reasons that Shirt Shack is the best screenprinting shop in the Tri-City area and why you should consider us for your next custom print project.
5. We know how to have fun — and, when to get to business.
Sure, we are in the business of making a business and know the value of hard work. Our paychecks are written in sweat equity, and we can assure you that grit is the name of the game. However, anyone who says you can’t have fun doing it, clearly hates what they do for a living. You know the old adage — do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life? At Shirt Shack of Hastings, this is the mantra of our employees. We have fun and when you walk in, you’ll notice we are not the stuffy “what can I print for you today?” type. Let your hair down, make yourself comfortable, and prepare your cheeks to get a smile workout.
4. We are aware that one size does NOT fit all.
Here’s the thing, many people can operate a screen printing press or embroidery machine. And, there are even a fair amount of people who can operate a laser engraver. I’ll bet we could even teach you! However, there are way too many “artists” out there who want to put your text onto their product and replicate the same design. This makes things quicker, cheaper, and boring. At Shirt Shack, your custom t-shirt or engraved award is tailor-made to express your individuality. After all, if you wanted something that everyone else has, you can purchase a pre-printed shirt at the mall. Don’t believe us, check out our online gallery for inspiration and our online catalogs to discover just how much variety we can offer you. Custom means custom here.
3. The incredible people on our team are your neighbors.
Local screen printers near you are what you want? Local skilled artists are what you get! One of the best parts about Shirt Shack — and we heavily debated putting this as the number one reason on our top five list — is the people who run the place. Not only are they creative and collaborative, but they are also the most fun group of genuinely good people you’ll meet today. Our team of go-getters is involved in the creative process from start to finish, bringing a proactive attitude while creating an atmosphere that puts customers at ease and makes them want to hang out in the shop for hours. The skill-set of these people goes far beyond slinging ink onto your shirts and starts with basic people skills, common sense, and kindness — fleeting qualities these days. Heck, even if you don’t have a custom t-shirt project in mind, stop by the shop to meet this incredible team and browse their completed projects on display. You’ll leave inspired and breathing the fresh air that restores your faith in humanity.
2. We are your one-stop-shop.
The only reason this beat out our amazing employees to be featured as numero dos is that we are so excited to announce that so far beyond printing custom t-shirts, engraving just about anything, and custom embroidery, we have recently acquired The Total Package! That’s right, now when you are looking for an authorized FedEx, UPS, or USPS shipping provider in Hastings, or you need printing services that aren’t on fabric, we’ve got you covered! We offer so many custom services that the only problem we can’t solve for you is who’s watching the kids tonight and what’s for dinner!
1. We do so much more than print your t-shirts.
The top reason that Shirt Shack blows away all of the other custom print shops in Hasting, Nebraska, and quite arguably all of the world, is we do so much more than slop some ink on a t-shirt and bill you for it. From the moment you express a simple idea to us, we are elbow-deep in the entire process. Whether you are an expert graphic designer who simply needs us to layer ink onto your t-shirt canvas, or you have the concept but not a creative bone in your body, we [can] help. We have some of the most talented designers who can bring your ideas to fruition and we use the best techniques and supplies to make your project something you can display with pride. We can make recommendations on what material or product to use as well as color, lines, details, shading, and printing techniques. Or, we can step aside and let you tell us what you want. Our shop is your oyster and we are here to turn sand to pearls. When you work with the Shirt Shack in Hastings, never will you get a simple “which print do you want?” We take “custom” seriously and are proud of our craft. When you work with our team, your vision is our mission.
If we haven’t sold you on how and why Shirt Shack is the best custom t-shirts, engraving, embroidery, and shipping and printing shop in Hastings, chances are, it’s only because written — or rather, typed — word can simply not do us justice, and just about anyone can make a case that must be seen to be believed. So, visit our online gallery or just come stop by and experience the Shirt Shop difference for yourself. We hope to see you soon.